On a Tangent

Thursday, April 27, 2006

In Australia

Okay, I just realized that my blog was going backwards. I am too tired to fix it but, maybe Mike can tomorrow:) or today.

These are the pictures from when I first arrived. Customs went smooth (except for later when I thought I had lost my driver's lic.- quite a scare!) my driver was there to meet me, Mahammed Ali!! He was from Pakistan and was a great ride!

I got right to my hotel, was able to check in, take a shower, IM the kids and meet Jeanne Reed, the only other person I know in Australia! All this before 11:00 AM!

What a day

My first impressions were that Australia was beautiful and the people are as lovely as their accents! I love it here and could not wait to explore!

I was amazed at how similar it Australia was to America. There are so many differences but so many similarities. Imagine if you will San Francisco but, so much greener and better and newer!


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