Okay - I just don't grab Mike's blog often enough to really know what I am doing. My pictures are all mixed up and random. But, I do have some random thoughts about L.A...
Random Thougt #1 - why would anyone move here?? It is smoggy up on the mountain and down in the valley. When we were up on the mountain the city was covered in a haze. And when on the highway, the mountain looked covered in goo.
Random Thought #2 - why does it take 1 hour to go 5 miles?? Because people around here don't care!
Random Thought #3 - It was odd seeing celebrity names in front of stores that they would probably not want anything to do with. Like Harrison Ford's star in front of a sex toys shop or Henry Fonda in front of a smoke shop where they sold bongs - for what???
Random Thought #4 - Why don't you go out after 6pm?? Bad drivers..Ryan and I almost got smooshed yesterday at 6:05 and for the next 15 minutes it was crazy drivers
Random Thought #5 - I don't really think there are any celebrities here...just people who are acting like celebrities with big sunglasses
L.A. is an experience, glad to be here but man, the politics and antics of D.C are really looking good.
Love, Kesley