my day - yesterday which is actually today for you
I spent most of my day here at the convention, walking around and speaking with vendors and stores.
My second class – digital technology went pretty well. EXCEPT that I could not get my technology to work. For some reason (I still don’t know why) when it comes to putting the Luci software on a projector it gets distorted and becomes panoramic! I was so embarrassed, I blew my cover as a technology expert! But, they loved Luci (of course). I had some good objections to the idea and was able to easily overcome them. Out of the people in my class, I think that about half of them “got it” and will adapt to digital. The other half did not get it right away or they got it but, did not think that it was for them. Hopefully within 6 months they will get it and be ready for Luci. When talking about other kiosks, the race is on and scrapbooking is it, As far as Whitech and Fuji and Kodak go.
I have another class to teach about sales goals! It always kind of cracks me up that I speak about things that I did not practice. Here I am a person who gets disgusted when the computer does not do what I think it should do (usually because what I think it should do is impossible to do), shuns the techno world and would rather stay with a manual type writer or even better pen and pad – speaking about technology and grasping it and embracing it and bringing it into your world!! Then speaking about budgeting – if there was money in the kitty than I could afford the new paper line or sticker line. A budget is a grid with numbers that makes someone feel that their time was well spent – not something to actually follow. What do you mean I can only spend $50,000 at CHA?? Oh well! As my mom always says “do as I say not as I do”!!
I have breakfast scheduled again with Kris. I am really interested to hear what he has to say about the show and how things are going. I am eager to speak with him about Luci and how he sees a program like that working for him.
Then I have a second breakfast with Bill! He is SOOO tall, I did not realize how small I am compared to him. He said to me today that my eyes twinkled when I talked about Luci, I had to smile about that. If he thinks my eyes twinkle when I talk about Luci, they must go crazy when I talk about my kids

In the class room, they have these little dishes with Mentos in them. They are so cute! Every time I see someone pop it in their mouths, I want them to take a sip of soda, tilt their head back and watch the soda shoot out of their mouth! I can’t wait to get home and do the diet coke and mentos experiment with the kids. Before I left we watched this on the google videos, how people take a stack of mentos and put them in a 2 litre of diet coke and the coke explodes out of the top. Ryan and Adam loved watching this – we were amazed at everyone’s technique.
At Jeanne’s booth today, I met a very interesting man named Nik. We had lunch together with Jeanne and it was, profound. He took a photo of me that I think turned out pretty cute, he is a professional photographer. Right before he snapped the photo he said “OK big eyes!” and it worked. My eyes are usually squinty (one of my least favorite features) and in this shot, not so bad!

I have really taken to shooting myself with the camera. I may have to get a new camera with the flip view but, I kind of like experimenting with my camera for now. Anyway, I took this photo as I was walking into the convention this morning. That’s me standing just in front of the pillar. The glass windows are up about 3 stories and reflect the ground in them. I looked up to see myself and thought it was an interesting shot.

Here are photos of my room. I think I have a photo of the hotel from the outside that shows the window up the fourth floor.

One thing I have just started getting used to is walking on the left hand side. Sometimes I will be walking along on the right, minding my own business and I look up and see a crush of people coming at me. I have to quickly skoot over to the left side to avoid being crushed. In my best American I say “sorry” so that they know I am an American and not an idiot, although to some Australians, I don’t think it makes much of a difference!
The other thing about opposites are the escalators, here you go up the down side and down the up side. Very confusing!!
This was our scene at lunch on Darling harbour

I am going to run to the gym, if it is lame I might run around Darling Harbour